Sunday, November 15, 2009

Ethics and the Death Penalty

Let's continue the discussion online that started at tonight's Adult Education event led by Art Auerbach and Pastor Reinhard. Does the death penalty deter criminals? Does it make society safer? Is it applied disproportionately on poor people and people of color? What are the ethical concerns of the state putting someone to death? What about the families of victims -- do they deserve to see a killer put to death? Can we square our beliefs as Christians with the death penalty? What are your thoughts?


  1. I am so sorry I had to miss this. I do not think the death penalty makes us safer, nor do I think the poor fool who does something so awful that he/she qualifies for the death penalty ever considers that possibility before acting, thus no deterence. (can't spell it). I think that the programs of some sort of restitution, not the correct term, where the perp and the victim meet, and the perp and victim deals with the crime can be very positive. Victims need to be healed from justifiable hate. Christ spends a lot of time weeping about what we do in his name.

  2. Death penalty and abortion are alike. In the end
    someone is killed.

  3. All the questions posed are, in my opinion, hypo
    critical. The person who advanced the questions already knows the answers. How about: Does the punishment fit the crime. Does it serve as a warning to others? An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth?

  4. Germane to Anonymous's comment about the death penalty and abortion, it is interesting to consider why "liberals" tend to accept abortion but not the death penalty, while "consevatives" tend to accept the death penalty but not abortion. I believe the answer lies in one's concept of what life is, and most do not have well-considered definitions.

  5. To "Anonymous" -- Fair questions. If someone is executed for murder, in one sense, at least, the punishment can be said to fit the crime. So, does the death penalty serve as a warning to others? Can the prescript, "an eye for an eye," fit into our beliefs as Christians?
