Friday, February 26, 2010

Conclusion of Sermon Series - 28Feb'10

Lord, I Believe - Help my Unbelief


interactive sermon series concludes this Sunday

 Come, and bring a friend!


This Sunday we will conclude our series of 'sermon conversations' on what Christians believe. The past four Sundays have generated a lively conversation among us. We have pondered individually and together what we believe in dialogue with one another and with Christians who have passed down their understanding of the Christian faith to us.

On this final Sunday of our sermon conversation series, we will explore the Christian belief in the Holy Spirit. As before, we will use the Apostles Creed as our guide. The third section of the Apostles Creed contains these statements related to the Holy Spirit:

I believe in the Holy Ghost;

the holy catholic Church;

the communion of saints;

the forgiveness of sins;

the resurrection of the body;

 and the life everlasting.


In preparation for our sermon conversation, I invite you to ponder the following questions:

·         What thoughts, concepts or emotions do you associate with the Holy Spirit?

·         In reflecting about your faith, which statement is closer to your own thoughts?

1.        The Holy Spirit is a reality I experience

2.        The Holy Spirit is a concept I find difficult to understand

As we have experienced over the past four weeks, the open conversation format also presents a wonderful opportunity to invite a neighbor or friend who may have lots of questions - and some answers too - about church and the Christian faith. Bring them along to our joint exploration.

See you on Sunday,

Pastor Reinhard

1 comment:

  1. While Jesus is the anthropomorphic embodiment of God's love, the Holy Spirit is the animating force that moves us to express the Christ in us. Gene
